Entrepreneurs seek to sustain spirit of social enterprise amid crises

by Charmaine Cruz
Entrepreneurs seek to sustain spirit of social enterprise amid crises

MAYBRIDGE Financial Chairman Joey A. Bermudez, social enterprises are not a new phenomenon in the Philippines. In fact, Bermudez said he had seen, several decades ago, numerous organizations striving to deliver social good in a commercially sustainable fashion.

Nevertheless, Bermudez emphasized that social enterprises are not a homogeneous lot. He noted a wide diversity among social enterprises in terms of organizational structure, business model, operating paradigm and governance.

“However, one can rightly say that social enterprise is a much tougher undertaking than ordinary commercial undertakings,” Bermudez told the BusinessMirror.

To develop and be sustainable, social enterprises need to be given enough room to grow and develop. Moreover, social entrepreneurs should also enjoy equal opportunities to prove they can be capable themselves in a level playing field.

Click here to read more: https://www.pids.gov.ph/details/entrepreneurs-seek-to-sustain-spirit-of-social-enterprise-amid-crises