CEM Foundation Week Kicks Off with a Webinar

by Charmaine Cruz
CEM Foundation Week Kicks Off with a Webinar

To kick start its founding anniversary celebration, the College of Economics and Management hosted a webinar via Zoom, streamed through the CEM Facebook page last July 27, 2021. This is the first installation of the four-day anniversary celebration of the college with the theme “Future-Proof CEM: Harnessing Business and Economic Opportunities in the New Normal.”

Mr. Joey Bermudez, the founding CEO of Iskaparate.com, shared the success stories of entrepreneurial mothers (Nanays) onboarded in Iskaparate.com, an online marketplace launched in September last year to provide an alternative marketplace for micro-entrepreneurs who are affected by the mobility restrictions imposed during lockdowns.

Click here to read more: https://cem.uplb.edu.ph/cemfoundationwebinar/